Post-jam Roadmap

It's been a week since GMTKJam2020, and while we're still trying to catch up on sleep, our momentum hasn't fallen for A Little To The Left. The response to the game has been fantastic, and what we've been hearing is: nice simple puzzle concept and great art, but frustrating when placing objects. So here are our plans to fix up A Little To The Left for proper release:

  • More Player Feedback!! - This is the big one. When trying to find the initial placement of the objects, it's total trial & error. Once you have one object placed, it's easier to go from there, but that first placement is annoying. We don't want it to be a guessing game, so we'd rather just guide the player where toward the initial spot. Here's what we're trying:
    • When you pick up an object it'll tilt on an angle, indicating that it's picked up.
    • As you get closer to the target, a tone will sound to indicate you're getting close, hot-or-cold-style.
    • When you hover an object over its desired placement, it'll straighten up to tell you you've found a valid spot.
    • A success sound will play on correct placement.
  • Sound - We missed uploading our version with sound effects by about 30 seconds. Sound is going to be integral to this experience- and we want it to feel tactile. We also want some music to set the tone- cozy with a touch of frenetic.
  • The Ending - We had an ending planned which really drives home the concept of A Little To The Left, but it didn't come together in time... Lets just say that a popular LTTL character comes back for a radical switch up of mechanics!

Once all these bits are up and running, we'll report back with an updated build and a web player.... Thank you to everyone who played and especially those who rated/provided feedback. It was all so useful. Very generous the lot of you!

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